Amazon is rolling out a new feature called Amazon Automated Handling Time. This update aims to make delivery dates more accurate, keeping customers happy. But what does this mean for you as a seller? In this post, we’ll break down what Amazon Automated Handling Time is, how it impacts your business, and what you can do to stay ahead.


1. What Is Amazon Automated Handling Time?

Amazon Automated Handling Time automatically adjusts your handling times based on how quickly you actually process orders. Before, you could manually set how long it takes to get an order out the door. Now, if your set time doesn’t match reality, Amazon will tweak it for you. The goal? To make sure customers get accurate delivery dates and fewer late shipments.

This automation is all about improving the customer experience, but it also means you’ll have less control over your handling times. If you’re used to setting these times manually, this change could take some getting used to.


2. How Amazon Automated Handling Time Impacts Your Business


a) Less Control Over Fulfillment

One big change with Automated Handling Time is that it reduces your control over how you manage order fulfillment. Before, you could decide how much time you needed to process orders. Now, Amazon’s system steps in to make those adjustments if your set times are too slow.

This can be both good and bad. On the plus side, it helps keep your handling times accurate, which is great for your Amazon On-Time Delivery Rate (OTDR). But it also means you have less flexibility to make manual adjustments when needed.


b) Effect on OTDR

Your Amazon OTDR is all about how well you meet delivery promises. With Amazon Automated Handling Time, the system adjusts your handling times to help you maintain a high OTDR by reducing late shipments. But if your actual handling times are consistently slower than Amazon’s adjustments, your OTDR could drop.

To keep your Amazon OTDR strong, you need to make sure your fulfillment process matches these automated handling times. If you’re not meeting these new deadlines, your OTDR could suffer, hurting your visibility and sales.


3. Preparing for the Switch to Amazon Automated Handling Time


a) Review Your Current Handling Times

Before Amazon Automated Handling Time takes over, review your current handling times. Check if your set handling times match what you actually do. If there’s a gap, fix it now. Making sure your settings reflect reality will make the transition to automation smoother.


b) Improve Your Fulfillment Processes

If your handling times are longer than they should be, now’s the time to speed things up. Look for bottlenecks in your order processing. Can you automate some steps? Could your team work more efficiently? Tightening up your process now will help you meet the tighter timeframes that Automated Handling Time sets.


c) Communicating with Customers

As handling times change, it’s important to manage customer expectations. Clear communication is key to keeping customers happy, especially if your handling times get shorter. Make sure your product listings and shipping info are up-to-date with the most accurate handling times. When customers know what to expect, they’re more likely to stay happy even if there’s a slight delay.


4. Leveraging ShipSage to Optimize Handling Time


a) How ShipSage Can Help

ShipSage is here to help you navigate the changes that come with Amazon Automated Handling Time. They’re pros at managing efficient handling processes, making sure your fulfillment runs smoothly. ShipSage’s automated systems align with Amazon’s requirements, helping you keep your performance and OTDR high.


b) Customized Solutions for Your Business

Every business is different, and ShipSage knows that. They offer customized solutions that fit your specific needs, ensuring your handling times are optimized for Amazon’s automation. With ShipSage handling the tricky stuff, you can focus on growing your business while they help you meet Amazon’s tight deadlines.


5. Monitoring and Adjusting to Amazon Automated Handling Time


a) Tracking Performance

Once Automated Handling Time is in place, keep an eye on how it’s affecting your business. Regularly monitor your handling times and OTDR in Amazon Seller Central. These tools show if your performance meets Amazon’s standards. If you spot any issues, take action quickly.


b) Making Necessary Adjustments

You need to stay flexible with Amazon’s automated systems. Be ready to tweak your fulfillment process as needed. This might mean adjusting your workflow, adding resources during peak times, or refining inventory management to speed up order processing. Continuous improvement will help you stay in line with Amazon Automated Handling Time and keep your OTDR high.


6. Conclusion

Amazon Automated Handling Time is a big shift, and it requires you to adjust how you manage your fulfillment process. By understanding what this change means and taking proactive steps, you can keep your business on track. Whether it’s reviewing your current handling times, optimizing your fulfillment, or teaming up with ShipSage, there are plenty of ways to succeed under Amazon’s new rules. Don’t wait—start preparing today to stay ahead in the competitive Amazon marketplace.