For online sellers and brands, finding the right third-party logistics (3PL) provider is crucial for keeping things running smoothly and making sure customers are happy. However, your business might outgrow your current 3PL partner, or you could run into issues that slow you down. Here are three key signs that it’s time to find a new 3PL partner:


1. Frequent Shipping Errors and Delays


What’s Happening?

If your 3PL keeps making mistakes with order picking, packing, or shipping, it’s a big problem. Mess-ups like sending the wrong items, damaged goods, or late deliveries can frustrate customers and hurt your brand’s image.


What to Watch For

  • Customer Complaints: Are you getting more complaints about incorrect or late orders?
  • Negative Reviews: Check online reviews and social media for any negative feedback related to shipping.
  • High Return Rates: If returns due to shipping errors are going up, that’s a red flag.


Why It Matters

Shipping errors and delays can have long-term effects on your business. Customers who face issues repeatedly are less likely to buy from you again and may leave bad reviews, scaring off potential new customers. Over time, this can hurt customer loyalty and reduce your sales.


2. Lack of Scalability and Flexibility


What’s Happening?

As your business grows, your logistics needs will change. A good 3PL should be able to scale up operations to meet higher demand and adapt to seasonal spikes without dropping the ball.


What to Watch For

  • Stockouts: Are you often running out of stock? It might mean your 3PL can’t manage your inventory well.
  • Peak Season Struggles: If your 3PL can’t handle increased orders during busy times, that’s a problem.
  • Rigid Processes: Is your 3PL unwilling to change their processes to fit your needs?


Why It Matters

A lack of scalability can stifle your growth. If your 3PL can’t keep up with your business, you might miss sales opportunities and frustrate customers. You need flexible logistics support to seize growth opportunities and stay ahead of the competition.


3. Poor Communication and Customer Service


What’s Happening?

Good communication with your 3PL is essential for smooth operations. Poor communication can lead to misunderstandings, delays, and a lack of transparency in your logistics processes.


What to Watch For

  • Slow Responses: Is it hard to get timely answers from your 3PL?
  • Lack of Transparency: Are you struggling to get clear information about your inventory and orders?
  • Unresolved Issues: Are problems recurring because your 3PL doesn’t address them properly?


Why It Matters

Poor communication can cause bottlenecks and frustration for you and your customers. A 3PL that doesn’t provide good customer service can lead to more operational problems and damage your business relationships.



Regularly checking on how well your 3PL partner is doing is crucial for keeping your supply chain running smoothly. If you notice frequent shipping errors, a lack of scalability and flexibility, or poor communication, it might be time to find a new logistics partner.

ShipSage offers streamlined shipping solutions designed to meet the dynamic needs of online sellers and brands. With multiple fulfillment centers, advanced technology, and dedicated support, ShipSage ensures your fulfillment operations run seamlessly.

Find out how our warehousing 3PL services can simplify your operations, cut costs, and make your customers happier.