Thinking about boosting your sales and offering Prime benefits without using Amazon’s warehouses? Amazon Seller Fulfilled Prime (SFP) might be just what you need. This guide will dive into the ins and outs of Amazon SFP, from the benefits to the challenges, and how partnering with a 3PL like ShipSage can make your life easier.


1. What is Amazon SFP?

Amazon Seller Fulfilled Prime (SFP) lets sellers ship Prime orders straight from their own warehouses while still flashing that coveted Prime badge. This setup gives you control over your inventory and shipping, ensuring fast delivery and happy customers.


2. Eligibility and Requirements

To qualify for Amazon SFP, you need to hit some key performance targets:

  • On-time Shipment Rate: At least 99% of orders need to be shipped on time.
  • Valid Tracking Rate: You must have valid tracking for at least 95% of orders.
  • Prime Customer Service Standards: Handle customer service inquiries related to Prime orders efficiently.


3. Registration and Trial Period

  • Registering: Sign up for the SFP program through Amazon Seller Central.
  • Trial Period: During this phase, you must meet Amazon’s performance metrics. If you pass, your listings will sport the Prime badge.


4. Advantages of Amazon SFP


Control Over Inventory and Shipping

Manage your stock and shipping processes to fit your business needs.


Reduced Fulfillment Costs

Avoid FBA fees and manage your fulfillment expenses.


Enhanced Customer Satisfaction

Provide fast and reliable shipping directly from your warehouse.


Increased Sales Potential

Listings with the Prime badge can attract more customers and boost sales.


5. Challenges of Amazon SFP

Amazon Seller Fulfilled Prime isn’t without its hurdles. Keeping up with Amazon’s strict performance metrics can be tough. You need to ensure timely and accurate shipping, handle customer service for Prime orders, and manage returns and refunds effectively.


6. Best Practices for Amazon SFP Success


Maintain High Shipping Standards

Ensure timely and accurate shipments. Investing in reliable carriers and robust order management systems can help.


Effective Inventory Management

Keep a close eye on inventory levels to avoid stockouts and delays.


Leverage Technology

Use advanced order management systems to streamline operations and track shipments.


Provide Excellent Customer Service

Respond to customer inquiries quickly and handle issues efficiently.


7. Why Partner with a 3PL Like ShipSage?

Handling Amazon SFP fulfillment on your own can be overwhelming. This is where a third-party logistics provider (3PL) like ShipSage steps in. Partnering with ShipSage can help you meet Amazon’s performance standards while freeing you from the headaches of logistics management.


8. Benefits of Partnering with ShipSage


Expertise and Experience

ShipSage has the know-how to handle high-volume, fast-paced e-commerce fulfillment, ensuring your products are shipped on time and accurately.


Advanced Technology

With top-notch order management and tracking systems, ShipSage provides real-time insights and ensures smooth operations.



Whether you’re a small business or a growing enterprise, ShipSage can scale its services to meet your needs.


Cost Efficiency

ShipSage’s efficient processes and economies of scale can lower your fulfillment costs.


Excellent Customer Service

ShipSage offers 24/7 support and dedicated account managers to address any concerns promptly.


9. Conclusion

Amazon Seller Fulfilled Prime offers a fantastic opportunity for sellers to leverage the Prime badge without relying on Amazon’s fulfillment centers. By understanding the requirements, adopting best practices, and partnering with a reliable 3PL like ShipSage, you can optimize your fulfillment operations, cut costs, and boost customer satisfaction.

Ready to take your business to the next level? Contact ShipSage today for a free consultation and see how we can help you succeed with Amazon SFP.